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What alternative exercise is right for you?

Anybody can exercise, but not everybody can work out in a gym and run endlessly on treadmills and ellipticals.

For all the gym-phobics out there, alternative exercises can meet your personal fitness needs. Find out if you are a belly-dancing idol, a Capoeira master or a heat-loving bikram yoga pro.

  1. What adjectives best describe your personality?
    Calm and easygoing
    Modern and fresh
    Playful and energetic

  1. How often do you exercise?
    What's exercise?
    Once a week
    Once a day

  1. What music do you like to listen to?
    Popular, trendy music
    Light, fun indie rock
    Rock and roll, baby

  1. It is Friday night at 6:30 p.m. You are trying to figure out how to spend your evening. What are you most likely to do?
    Dancing 'til dawn with friends
    Watching a movie and eating Thai takeout
    Shooting hoops at the local basketball court

  1. If you were a movie, what movie would you be?
    Step Up
    Lost in Translation
    Wedding Crashers

  1. Alert! There is a 75 percent off sale at three stores, but you only have time during your lunch hour to shop at one. Which one do you choose?
    Urban Outfitters
    Banana Republic
    Sports Authority

  1. You hate your job and go on to search for openings for your dream job. What job piques your interest the most?
    Creative Director for Apple
    Museum Curator
    Stock Trader

  1. You are bored at work and call into a radio show to answer a trivia question. Hurrah! You answered correctly and won a free plane ticket anywhere in the world. Where would you choose to go?