Movement taken for grantedPublished Dec. 5, 2017 // 2 minute read
By Samantha Loomis

Jeremy Johnson, a 22-year-old Madison native, struggled with an ACL injury from 2013 to 2017. The injury began during high school wrestling and worsened when Johnson longboarded and danced. He says his injury taught him valuable life lessons, like to “go with your gut” and “never take anything for granted.” This piece centers on one man’s revelation that often everyday movement is taken for granted.

Samantha Loomis
Lead Writer

Samantha isĀ  expecting to graduate in December of 2017 with her master’s degree in journalism.

Samantha earned her bachelor’s degree in English at UW-La Crosse. She’s a Wisconsin native, but she hopes to explore the rest of the world after she graduates, and if not the world, then at least the United States.

Specializing in magazine writing, Samantha enjoys writing about the environment and issues she thinks are important.

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