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General Health Knowledge Quiz

1) Which of the following is not one of the five components of a healthy lifestyle?
a) Physical Activity
b) Routine Checkups
c) Daily Stretching
d) Stress Alleviation

2) A blood pressure reading of 140/90 is considered
a) Normal, and a doctor does not need to be consulted
b) Borderine Hypertension, and should be vaguely monitored
c) Hypertension, and requires the attention of a physician
d) Dangerous, and requires immediate assistance

3) ___________ are plant chemicals found in fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, beans, grains, seeds, and may reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease if consumed regularly.
a) Free Radicals
b) Lipids
c) Tyktochemicals
d) Phytochemicals

4) How many servings of fruits and vegetables are the daily recommendation based on Health and Human Services Dietary Guidelines?
a) 5
b) 7
c) 9
d) 11

5) Which of the following are fat soluble vitamins?
a) Vitamins K, E, A, and D
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamins K and C
d) The B Vitamins

6) Performing a "Lunge" is an exercise that targets your
a) Biceps and Triceps
b) Quadriceps
c) Calves
d) Abdominals

7) In general, people do not need to consume more
a) Protein
b) Vitamins
c) Minerals
d) Antioxidants

8) Millet, quinoa, and triticale are forms of
a) Vegetables
b) Minerals
c) Whole Grains
d) Phytochemicals

9) Some studies have shown that people who eat a diet rich in beta-carotene have a lower rate of several kinds of cancer. Studies have also shown that taking beta-carotene in pill form decreases the risk of cancer as well.
a) True
b) False

10) Which of the following is not a primary risk factor for developing coronary artery disease?
a) High blood pressure
b) Smoking
c) High levels of stress
d) Lack of adequate aerobic exercise
e) High blood cholesterol levels


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