Work out anywhere: easy, equipment-free ways to pause and move your body
Content and illustration by Holly Anderson

1. Downward dog: Strengthens arms and shoulders, tones core and waist, brings blood flow to the brain
2. Child’s pose: Releases tension in the back, shoulders and chest; helps alleviate stress and anxiety
3. Boat pose: Tones and strengthens abdominal muscles, stretches hamstrings, improves balance and digestion
4. Low lunge: Releases tension in hips; strengthens knees; stretches hamstrings, quads and groin
5. Plank/side plank: Strengthens spines and abdominal muscles, which results in strong posture
6. Russian twist: Tones midsection; develops core strength; helps with balance, posture and movement
7. Side lunge: Works glutes, hamstrings, quads and inner thigh muscles
8. In ‘n’ out: Strengthens core, lower back and hip flexors
9. Jumping jack: Strengthens heart, builds strong bones, improves balance and coordination
10. Burpee: Strengthens heart and lungs, increases blood flow, burns fat
11. Mountain climbers: Builds cardio endurance, works several muscle groups, improves core strength
12. Star jump: Improves aerobic capacity, strengthens heart