Samantha (but call her Sammy) is a senior majoring in journalism with a focus in strategic communication. Now that she is studying journalism, Sammy finally has an excuse for the amount of magazines she purchases every month (it's research!). Sammy can usually be found with an iced coffee glued to her hand, even when the temperature falls below freezing in Madison. She hopes to fall somewhere between Carrie Bradshaw and Olivia Pope on the career-intensity level next year in New York City.
Paul Koch is an assistant professor in UW-Madison's Department of Plant Pathology. Below, Koch provides insight into a hot-button topic associated with sustainability: pesticide use in recreational settings.
The Meadows of Sixmile Creek is a golfer’s haven with beautiful terrain, a clubhouse and experienced golf professionals. However, what sets it apart from the rest lies within the biology of its soil.
Golf co...