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Just as ice cream parlors offer tons of different flavors to choose from, so too does Clary’s popcorn. For those seeking to expand their popcorn palate beyond white, Clary said he has the largest variety of flavored popcorn in town, offering distinct tastes that are sure to fit everyone’s buds. Caramel corn and cheddar cheese corn are two of Clary’s most popular products. The cheesy flavor and crunchy caramel provide a delicious experience when eaten separately and together. Clary is always experimenting to improve their savory tastes even more.

"We’ve improved on them, we’ve experimented with stuff—the caramel is better than it used to be," Clary said. "It’s all scratch recipes. This gives us leeway and we can do some experimenting. Different flavors, more combinations of current flavors and also coming up with other products."

Packer corn
Matthew Wisniewski/Curb
Packer fans flock to Clary’s store locations for his signature product, Packer corn.

Many of these flavors are so exotic it can be impossible to turn a taste down. Clary carries cinnamon corn, white cheddar corn, peaches 'n cream corn—in fact, Clary sells more than 20 different products. These fun flavor combinations came from all different places—some were suggestions from customers or employees, and others were mistakes when ingredients were accidentally mixed together, such as the jalapeño corn. Some products further came about when Clary thought he would try mixing two flavors together. Krazy corn is a combination of white, cheddar cheese and caramel corn creating a superb crunchy mix. Two of Clary’s other most popular products are also combinations: Badger corn is a mix of red colored corn and white, while Packer corn combines yellow and green corn.

Clary doesn’t just sell colored popcorn—he masterfully creates flavors to correspond to each vibrant color of popcorn. A mouthful of Badger corn provides an irresistible, crunchy mix of cherry and vanilla. A friend mentioned the idea of adding flavor to colored corn to Clary years ago, saying rainbow popcorn was an eye-appealing product that would be even better if it also had flavor. Clary found the idea intriguing and began implementing flavors into the rainbow product: orange popcorn is orange flavored, red is cherry, yellow is banana and so on. The idea was a huge hit for Clary. His colored-coated popcorn, especially the rainbow corn product, was suddenly both eye-appealing and mouth-watering.

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