Cuisine, Kendra Dawson, Multimedia, Video — October 13, 2012 at 1:14 am

Creating Compost: How to Start a Sustainable Garden


By: Kendra Dawson

The best food grows from nutrient-rich soil. If you live in the city and have a limited space, you can still compost, and Kendra Dawson shows you how.



Voiceover: The best food grows from nutrient-rich soil. If you live in the city and have a limited space, you can still compost. We’ll show you how.

Here’s what you’ll need.

A compost bin. Wood scraps from around the house can be used to make a crate. Or you can use a recycled bucket like this one. Use whatever you have space for.

Organic material rich in nitrogen. These materials are called the “greens” and you can use old food scraps like egg shells, coffee grounds, fruits and vegetables.

Brown materials high in carbon. You can use leaves from your backyard, woodchips, hay, even napkins.

OK, let’s get started.

To create your compost bin you’ll want to layer carbon-rich materials and nitrogen-rich material in equal parts. The bottom layer should be carbon to help with aeration, and the top layer should also be carbon to help keep the smell down.

Add some water on top of the pile to help the microbes digest the material better.

Now you have to play the waiting game. This process can take several months. Go read a good book or start planning your awesome garden.

If you check on your pile, it should feel hot, between 150-160 degrees. If not, add more water. The pile is done when it reaches a temperature of 80-90 degrees and looks like soil.

Be proud! You just successfully created your own soil. The end product will be a lot smaller than what you started out with so keep composting!! Transfer your nutrient-rich soil into your garden or favorite planting pot.

Show others how easy composting can be, and happy growing!

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