Alison Dirr, Cuisine, Interactive, Multimedia — October 13, 2012 at 12:37 am

Know Your Aisles: Navigating the Grocery Store


By: Alison Dirr


Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium. Look especially for non-fat and low-fat varieties.
These can be found in the dairy case and refrigerated aisle.


Look for lean meats, skinless poultry, fish, nuts, and dried beans and peas.
These can be found at the deli, in the meat, poultry and egg cases, in the canned aisle and at the salad bar.


Purchase a variety of frozen (no sauce), fresh, canned and dried fruit.
Look in the produce aisle, at the salad bar, and in the canned goods and freezer aisles.


Purchase a variety of frozen (no sauce), fresh and canned vegetables. Also look for dried beans and peas.
These can be found in the produce aisle, at the salad bar, in the canned goods and freezer aisles, and the pasta, rice and bean aisle.


Whole grains should account for about half of grain purchases.
Look in the bakery and the bread, cereal, and pasta and rice aisles.

Tips for healthy shopping

  • Stay on the perimeter as much as possible and avoid the junk food aisles in the middle of the store
  • Plan meals for the week
  • Look for coupons
  • Don’t grocery shop when hungry
  • Look for: Fiber, vitamins A, C and E, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron
  • Minimize: Saturated and trans fats, cholesterol and sodium


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