By: Corinne Burgermeister
For active Wisconsinites looking to stay in shape, but desiring something more adventurous than jogging or other ordinary ground activities, stair or rock climbing might meet their needs. For many, the thrill of being in the air is what got them hooked, but what keeps them coming back is their membership to part of an elite club, as climbing is not for everyone. These two challenging activities can be done alone or with friends and are sure to be a unique experience. While there are several great places to rock climb across the state, the only major stair climbing event is held annually in Milwaukee each spring, when all indoor climbers are summoned to the tallest building in the state. Here is some information for those eager to reach new heights.
Where Can I Climb?
Stairs: If you’re looking for an off-the-wall challenge, you can climb the tallest building in Wisconsin by registering for the Fight For Air Climb. A stair climber at the gym can’t compete with racing to the top of Milwaukee’s U.S. Bank building. In total, the climb is 47 floors, 94 flights of stairs and 1034 steps.
Rocks: There are several indoor climbing facilities located in Wisconsin, which are the perfect place to learn how to climb or escape the cold winter. Popular outdoor climbing locations include Devil’s Lake State Park near Madison and Chimney Rock in Trempealeau County.
What Do I Need?
Stairs: All you really need are some stairs to climb, a good pair of tennis shoes, comfortable clothes and a water bottle.
Rocks: Tightly laced climbing shoes with a sticky sole are recommended for serious climbers. Additionally, chalk and a chalk bag are needed to prevent sweaty hands from slipping. Other items include: harness, rope, anchoring gear, helmet, belay device and locking equipment.
How Much is This Going to Cost Me?
Stairs: Stair climbing can be done at home, at the gym or anywhere there are stairs. But for those competing in the Fight For Air Climb, a small registration fee is required in addition to a fundraising minimum of $100 to benefit the American Lung Association race
Rocks: Adventure Rock in Milwaukee offers a daily rate of $15 and a five pack of visits at a $10 dollar discount, in addition to a full-time membership for around $60. Many indoor and outdoor climbing destinations offer lessons and guided tours ranging in price from $80 to $300 depending on the number of people in your group. Indoor climbing facilities also allow you to rent equipment for relatively low prices. However, more serious climbers are encouraged to buy their own equipment, which ends up being relatively pricey.
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